Sam Weller visited NW Cameroon in November and December 2010

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Back in Duala

Back in Duala to hand in my final report amnd await my 11:45pm flight to Paris. Dave, a volunteer from Red Deer and I rented a taxi for the afternoon and toured around the city. This is a a view of the fishing boats on the banks of the Wouri River. Now we are not in the Mayor's car we are subject to being stopped by the soldiers. We were pulled over by a group with sub-machine guns; but they left us alone when I gave them some money for beer.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Saying Goodbye to Bafut

It took a while to get going in the morning; but we were on the road by noon. Luckily the power came on by late morning so I was able to get cash from a bank machine in Bamenda. As we were in the Mayor's car (a 1990 Toyota Corolla)we didn't have to stop at the road blocks like this old bus. The roads seemed in better condition than when I travelled them just three weeks ago. I guess I am aclimatized to African conditions.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Traditional costume

On Sunday the Mayor, Deputies and senior staff held a goodbye dinner for me. They presented me with a hand-made traditional costume. It is magnificent; I was overwhelmed by their generosity.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A feather in my cap

The Fon or his Chiefs can recognise heroic acts or significant contributions by honouring people with a red feather. The deputy mayor recommended that my contribution to Bafut be recognised, and I was awarded a red feather on Saturday. I was given the

Friday, December 12, 2008

Goodbye to staff

Last day of work was Friday and everyone wanted their photo taken with me. These are the clerical staff.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Man with Machette

Tomorrow will be my last day working here. People have started inviting me to their homes and giving me gifts. I went to the home of the Secretary General today and we met a man with a machette on the path. It turned out to be his father who had been out cutting palm nuts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I can't say "no" to some faces

The children here are wonderful! I have made it a rule for myself not to give out any money but I try to have a few baloons or pencils to give children like this one, who tear at my heart strings.