Sam Weller visited NW Cameroon in November and December 2010

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where is Bafut?

Bafut is pretty small and not shown on most maps; but is close to Bamenda a city of 400,000 near the Nigerian border, about 220 kms from Douala.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Where is Cameroon?

Those of you whose geography is a little shaky, may need a graphic representation of the location of Cameroon in Africa.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Assignment in the Cameroon

I am excited to have been selected through the Canadian Executive Service Organization to do a volunteer assignment in Cameroon. This involves training staff who work for the local Council in "management of available resourses". I will find out more details in the next few weeks. This is a 21 day asignment and i expect to leave towards the end of November when I have my medicals and visas in place.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

All about CESO

I was having coffee at Ottavio's on Oak Bay Avenue with my friend Martin Thomas (the guy who put together most of the downtown revitilization programs in BC). He told me that he had done volunteer consulting assignments in Hungary and Bolivia with Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO).

It sounded intriguing so I sent them my resume and after a screening process and an interview was accepted as one of CESO 2,800 volunteer advisors. If you want to find out more about CESO, go to